Musakhan Rolls | مسخن رولات

Today, is the first day of Ramadan 2015. And to a lot of the people who practice Ramadan, the dish of the day is a very important topic to discuss.

طريقة عمل مسخن رولات بالصور

Ramadan is considered to be a Holly Month for all Muslims around the world. And we practice Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar that is connected with the moon, and therefore it’s date changes every year. This year it started today, in the middle of the
beautiful summer. So I am sitting here, outside our balcony, writing my first blog post for the people who have no idea what to prepare for Iftar today, tomorrow or next week. I also am writing this recipe for everyone who wish to try an exquisite delicious Middle-Eastern cuisine.

Msakhan Rolls, is a mini version of the main dish Msakhan. Mskhan is a very well known Middle-Eastern dish, and is known to be originated from Palestine. It is the authentic traditional Palestinian dish. Today you can make a mini version of Mskhan and this is what we call the Mskhan rolls.


My mother has been very known for making the best Mskhan in town. And when she prepares the traditional main dish, our house becomes a festival, with people invited, kids playing around, the smell of Mskhan all day long, and a great reunion of close family or friends over the dinning table. Today I wish to share with you her recipe for the Mskhan rolls, and hopefully I will soon upload the Mskhan dish recipe. Enjoy this wonderful recipe, made easy, and mouth watering by my beautiful mother.

How to make Musakhan Rolls



Makes enough for 10-15 people – Preparation time 1hour1/2


2 chicken breast (clean)

2 cups of water

5 bay leaves

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

1 whole onion (only skin removed)

6 medium red onions

1 cup of olive oil

1 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon of cumin

2 tablespoons of sumac

Shrak bread

1/3 roasted pine-nuts

Keep some extra olive oil on the side

مطبخ سوزي

طريقة عمل مسخن رولات

وقت الطهي: ساعة و نصف – عدد: ١٠ – ١٥ شخص


٢ صدر جاج (مغسول و نظيف)

٢ كوب ماء

٥ ورق غار

١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة ملح

١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة فلفل اسود

١ بصل (من غير قشر)

٦ بصل احمر متوسط الحجم

١ كوب زيت زيتون

١ ملعقة صغيرة ملح

١/٤ ملعقة كمون

٢ معلقة كبيرة من السماق

خبز شراك

١/٣ صنوبر مقلي

زيت زيتون اضافي


  1. Make sure your chicken is clean as you add it to a medium sauce pan along with the cups of water, add the bay leaves, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and black pepper. You can add the whole onion just to help the scent of the chicken as it cooks.
  2. Leave the chicken to boil, and start peeling of the skin from your red onions and cut them into small squares.
  3. Add the chopped onion into a separate small sauce pan along with the olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of cumin.
  4. Leave to boil and before the onions are well cooked add the sumac and mix very well.
  5. Once the chicken is completely cooked, turn off the heat and remove from the pan to leave aside until it cools.
  6. Start shredding the chicken over the onion as it is being cooked, and mix very well. Leave them to boil for another 10 to 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave them to cool.
  7. Turn your oven on to 400 degrees.
  8. Start cutting your shrak bread into big triangles, almost covering both your palms.
  9. Mix the pine-nuts along with the chicken and onion and using a tablespoon, fill each shrak triangle with a spoon and a 1/2 and close it from both angles of the triangle and roll it to form your Msakhan Roll.
  10. In a big cooking tray, spread some olive oil on the tray as you line the Msakhan rolls one after the other.
  11. Once complete, sprinkle the rolls with some more olive oil and sumac.
  12. Place the tray in the oven for about 20 minutes, until your rolls are a little bit crunchy and golden.

And Voila, enjoy your Musakhan Rolls, some people enjoy it with yogurt on the side. Some make it as an appetizer dish, and some as finger food along with other dishes.

طريقة التحضير:

١- نضع الدجاج، الماء، الملح، فلفل اسمر و ورق الغار في قدر و نتركه على النار. نضف البصل لازالة الراءحا.

٢- تقطيع البصل الاحمر الى مربعات صغيرة.

٣- وضع البصل في قدر مع زيت الزيتون، ملح و كمون.

٤- تحريك طبق البصل، و اضافة السماق قبل ان يستوي البصل.

٥- ارفغي الدجاج من القدر و ضعي ليبرد.

٦- بيديكي، قطعي الدجاج فوق قدر البصل و الخليط لمدة ١٠ دقاءق غلي.

٧-  اضيءي الفرن ل ٤٠٠ درجة

٨- قطعي خبز الشراك الى مثلاثات كبيرة الحجم.

٩- اخلطي الصنوبر مع خلطت البصل، و بستعمال المعلقة الكبيرة، ضعي معلقة و نصف من خلطط البصل و الدجاج فوق خبز الشراك المثلث، و لفي الخبز على شكل الرول.

١٠- في صنية كبيرة للفرن، ضعي قليل من الزيت الزيتون ثم ضعي المسخن رول الجاهز.

١١- ضيفي رشت زيت زيتون فوق المسخن رولات و رشة سماق.

١٢- ضعي الصنية في الفرن لمدة ٢٠ دقيقة حتى الاحمرار.

صحتين و قلولي النتيجة.


1 thought on “Musakhan Rolls | مسخن رولات

  1. Pingback: What is your dish for today? Here is how to make the most delicious Musakhan Rolls | طريقة تحضير رولات المسخن | Razan Masri

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